All-American Teacher Tools: PowerPoint presentations on your web page

Sunday, August 12, 2012

PowerPoint presentations on your web page

So, you have your web page set up and ready to go for the new school year.  You might have a space where you can post your daily homework.  Or you could have started a blog where parents and students can post comments to your questions.  But what about those PowerPoint programs you use in class to present a new topic or review for the test?  Why not post them, as well?  It is SO easy and you already have the PowerPoint, so what's stopping you?  Here is all you need to post to your web page:

Go to for the complete, detailed explanation.

If you want the cheap and easy explanation, simply save your PowerPoint presentation to a SkyDrive (free from Microsoft - all you have to do is sign up).  To do that, in your PowerPoint program, go to your Save and Send menu, click Save to Web, sign in with your SkyDrive account and click the line item with the name of your PowerPoint on it.  On the right, click Embed.  That will give you a code (shorter than you'd expect!) you can use at your website.  Instead of cutting and pasting like you would a picture, you need to go to the HTML format of your web page (usually another tab).  Simply copy the embedded code there, save and switch to your normal view, and VOILA! your PowerPoint magically appears for students who want a review or who might have been absent.

Add this link to your web page for those students who don't have MS Office: It's a free download for a powerpoint viewer only.

SO much fun for you and your students :-) 

Happy teaching!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thanks for thee post! I advice you o use if you don't want to work on your presentation for hours!


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