Most of you probably remember to slather sunscreen onto your children before they go out into the sun, but do you know the new FDA guidelines? Here they are...
- The product should have an SPF of at least 15 (personally, I'd go with 30) and the words "broad spectrum" on the bottle. Broad spectrum means that the sunscreen not only prevents sunburn, but also filters out the UV-A rays that are responsible for causing skin cancer.
- The FDA wants the words "waterpoof" and "sweatproof" removed from the label because they aren't foolproof. Always re-apply sunscreen frequently when your children are in the bright summer sun. By the way, what does an SPF 60 really mean? SPF estimates the number of minutes you can stay in the sun without burning, after rubbing on the product. You could last an hour on the beach, for instance, using a lotion with SPF 60.
- Avoid using sunscreen with added insect repellent because that chemical can seep into the skin or cause harmful hormone-disrupting compounds. What can you use instead? Try Evergreen Insect Repellent Wristbands.
- Avoid sprays and powders, which can get into young lungs more easily than the cream sunscreen.
- Remember to coat all parts of the body including the top of the head where the hair parts and the top of the little ears.
Enjoy your 4th of July weekend!
Great post. I don't have kids but my niece and 2 nephews are going to be staying with me for the rest of the summer. So I have been doing a lot of research on things like sunscreen for kids and fun outdoor activities to do with them. This was very helpful, thanks so much for sharing Renee.