All-American Teacher Tools: Things you can do with chalkboard paint

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Things you can do with chalkboard paint

I wish I had this stuff when my girls were little!  Chalkboard paint has a bazillion uses.  Here are some of the more useful and interesting:
  1. Paint a wall in your child's playroom and give her a place for creative expression.  This will also teach her to clean her own space as it will become rather dusty if she doesn't! I don't recommend this for a bedroom for that reason.
  2. Paint a space on reusable water bottles to chalk on the user's name.
  3. Paint the top of a wooden cigar box (available at stores that sell cigars!)
  4. Paint a poster frame and mount in the kitchen for a menu board or shopping list
  5. Paint a portion of a flowerpot and label the contents.  This is particularly helpful for herbs.
  6. Paint the edge of storage bins for easy labeling and changing of those labels.
  7. Paint the side of an item that requires directions for use.
  8. Paint old coasters so you can personalize them each time.
  9. Paint the side of spice jars for easy labeling.
  10. Paint a sign in a guest room to personalize a message for visitors.
  11. Paint a sign for the front of your house to personalize seasonal messages.
For a minimal investment of time and money, chalkboard paint allows you to personalize your home and belongings, decorate with motivational, funny, or everyday words, and change your mind and decor daily!  And THAT is simply good Feng Shui!

Happy Parenting!

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